EffetrePlease scroll down to find the subcategories for Effetre.
Effetre (also known as Moretti) produces their glass rods on the island of Murano in Italy. We receive the rods in bundles of one metre lengths. As soon as we receive a shippment of rods, we cut them into thirds for easier handling. We sell all of our glass by weight. We have deceided to sell the glass by weight and not per length to provide our customers with a fair and comparable product. Of the glass manufacturers we carry, Effetre has the larges assortment of colours. To make the shopping process as understandable as possible, we have divided the glass up into many subcategories. You have the option to search for colours in the different colour categories (eg. transparent, pastell, alabaster...), or in the different discount categories depending on the volume purchased (eg. 5%, 10% or 20% off), or you can search based on your desired rod diameter (eg. 4-5mm, 5-6mm...). If you know what you are looking for, you can make use of the search funtion in the right hand column at the top. Please notice our discount system provides discounts based on the volume of each individual colour purchased. The following disounts are applied: 5% off when you buy 250g of a colour, 10% off when you buy 500g of a colour, and 20% off when you buy 1000g of a colour. Most of the colours from Effetre are produced by machine. However, some of the colours are hand made. The hand made colours are more expensive and can vary greatly in diameter from one end of a rod to the other. We try to sort the hand made glass rods accurately by their diameter, but please allow a wider variation in the diameter of these rods. We do our best to provide high quality, accurate pictures of the colours. Nevertheless please allow for inaccuracies. Each computer screen depicts the colours slightly differently. As well, the different production runs from the manufacturer sometimes produce slightly different colours. Please note that all of the pictures are taken under the same light conditions and with the same camera settings so that the colours can be compared to each other. All of the pictures are a little bit overexposed. That means that the colours appear lighter than they are in reality. We do this so that the darker colours are easier to see. |
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